Success on the Run

Get More... Out of Life

Thank you for your interest in the Success on the Run.

I hope you realize that you are fully capable of achieving the success that you dream of – and that you feel motivated to begin your journey right now.

This Blog will feed your inspiration and share success stories and tips for success that have helped others, like you, to imagine, achieve and maintain personal and career goals.

Fresh ideas from Jeanne and other experts will feature:

  • goal-setting
  • planning
  • energy
  • image
  • health
  • fitness
  • finance
  • attitude
  • time-management …

…and other news on how to maximize your time for peak performance and the achievement of your biggest dreams even in a time-crunched world.

Let your journey to success begin with Success on the Run!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happiness and Success

When we consider our individual goals and purpose in life, we begin to get our arms around what Success means to each of us. A definite vision of a goal helps the journey there move forward along a clear path. This is true for Success as well.

But even those who are still uncertain about their specific Success goals would agree that one fundamental aspect of a successful life has always been Happiness. The state of being happy is being explored with unprecedented research today as social scientists and psychologists explore what triggers happiness and positive mental health and its impact on our overall health and our lives.

Dan Baker, Author of "What Happy People Know" (2003) offers an enlightening book on the subject of happiness and its attainment. In pursuit of Success, Baker's 12 Qualities of Happiness are worth sharing. They are:
  1. Love
  2. Optimism
  3. Courage
  4. A sense of freedom
  5. Proactivity
  6. Security
  7. Health
  8. Spirituality
  9. Altruism
  10. Perspective
  11. Humor, and
  12. Purpose.

(Dan Baker, PhD is director of the Life Enhancement Program at Canyon Ranch.)

I recommend Baker's book as a quick read in paperback to consider your Happiness goals as part of your personal Run for Success. Pop it in your car, your purse or briefcase to fuel your mind with fresh and upbeat ideas for Success.

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